15/07/23 – High-Definition Maps: Comprehensive Survey, Challenges and Future Perspectives

Our comprehensive survey paper on High-Definition(HD) Maps has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

The paper touches on different topics in the SoA of HD maps towards scalability of CCAM. It provides a free-standing overview to the broader community of autonomous mobility. Further, the paper systematically reviews not only HD maps in the various core functions of AD systems but also how to maintain and keep them up-to-date. We shed some light on the key challenges and future perspectives of HD maps in CCAM and beyond.

Link to paper: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10184094

This work is done by Gamal ElghazalyRaphaël FrankScott HarveyStefan Safko under the framework of the AUTOMAP project funded by Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) in collaboration between Luminar Technologies (Civil Maps) and SnT, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and TrustUniversity of Luxembourg.