Interreg TERMINAL Final Event

The final event of the TERMINAL Interreg project took place Sept. 16 in the cross-border town of Creutzwald (FR). The event concludes a 4 year interregional project focusing on testing automated mobility concepts for cross-border commuters. We learned a lot and the outcome will pave the way for innovative cross-border mobility services. Thank you to … Continued

Self-driving Tests in Luxembourg City

It’s a first! Last week we finally tested our self-driving vehicle on public roads in Luxembourg City, as part of the Interreg TERMINAL project. At the same time our partner LORIA successfully tested its Mobility on Demand (MoD) application. This milestone has been reached, but there is more work ahead! 🚗🤖🦾 Thank you to all … Continued

Interns wanted!

We are looking for motivated students to join the 360Lab to work on topics related to Connected and Automated driving! See the available positions here. Apply today!

digitalUs @ Web Summit

SnT’s latest Spin-Off joined the Luxembourg delegation at Web Summit 2021 in Lisbon.Thanks for organizing Web Summit and for everyone stopping by our booth.It’s been great connecting with everyone in person again!

Portes Ouvertes 2021

Yesterday we had the pleasure to welcome the public at the University of Luxembourg Kirchberg Campus for the Portes Ouvertes initiative. It was a great experience to show and discuss our research with a larger audience! We’d like to thank you all the visitors for sharing a Sunday with us, discovering our labs and our researchers’ work! … Continued

digitalUs @ ICT Spring Europe

ICT Spring, Luxembourg’s Global Tech Conference took place September 14-15, 2021 at the European Convention Center. digitialUs, SnT’s latest fintech spin-off officially presented its KYC/AML technology developed at the 360Lan. Beltran Fiz, the CEO of digitalUs presented the concept of “Open Source Intelligence” during the FinTech Summit.

RoboBus Dataset and Paper published

The RoboBus dataset collected on a cross-border public transport route has been released for download on GitHub. The dataset contains approximately 8 hours of driving data divided into 15 trips that have been recorded over 4 days. It includes about 1.7 million anonymized images captured by two road-facing cameras, GNSS traces, data from a 9-axis … Continued


The 360Lab is co-organising the 16th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (IEEE/IFIP WONS 2021) held virtually from 9-11 of March.

FNR Bridges Project Awarded!

The 360Lab is pleased to announce that the proposal “Always Up-To-Date High Definition Map (AUTOMAP)” has been retained for funding. This project will be conducted in partnership with Solfice Research, the EU headquarter of Civil Maps. More details on the funded projects can be found on the FNR Website. Project Summary: Digital High Definition (HD) … Continued

New sensor rack has been mounted!

A new sensor rack has been installed on the rooftop of Junior. It provide greater flexibility to mount camera systems. The current configuration includes 6 cameras with different lenses: 3 facing front, 1 facing left, 1 facing right and 1 facing back. The next step will be to properly calibrate the cameras and run a … Continued